showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Days of Thunder Mindscape (Beam Software)1990"Let me drive. You build me a car and I'll win Daytona next year." Think so, huh? You're raw, untested. You've never driven a stock car before in your life. You're up against the stock car greats. And you just made one very big promise. Now you've got to fulfill it. Put up or shut up. Lay it on the line. You're Cole Trickle, rookie driver, and you're about to experience all the engine-roaring, tire-screeching stock car action of the movie Days of Thunder. Better buckle up.***
Hot Rod Taxi  github (Mindscape)2020A playable version of this game was recovered after a disk labled "Hot Rod Taxi" was found in the belongings of Chris Oberth. This paticular game was in pieces in multiple encrypted hard drive backups spread accross 40 disks. His family has allowed the recovered source code to be added to github. The public source code is not complete but missing code has been reconstructed or new code substituted. Minor bugs have also been fixed Some missing documentation has not been completed. It is a an NES game based on the Days of Thunder movie developed for Mindscape. Mindscape opted to use Beam Software instead and another Days of Thunder game was the version that got published. The github source code package includes everything needed to compile an iNES file (.nes) under MS-DOS (or DOSBox) for use on emulators.

No license has been coupled with the source code, the compiled binaries (ROM chip data), nor any file form of the binaries. It remains proprietary.